Cultivating a Strong Intuitive Bond with Your Dog

As an Intuitive Dog Coach, my mission has always been to intuitively respond, react, train, teach, and coach our beloved canine companions.

But what happens when you establish a strong intuitive bond with your dog?

Allow me to share an experience from this recent Thanksgiving holiday. 🦃

Holidays can be stressful, even when the goal is to enjoy quality time with family. 

This stress can extend to pet owners, who may worry about their dog jumping on Grandma or feel saddened by having to seclude their pet in another room while the family gathers.

For those of us with a strong intuitive connection to our dogs, this separation can feel particularly poignant.

This Thanksgiving, I was reminded of the depth of this bond.

As most of my family was out of town, I spent the day with my dogs. 🐾🐾

I have two Labrador Retriever “assistants”.

One is Timba a female yellow lab and the other one is Shania a female black lab.

Shania is the goofy one, the one that makes me laugh, the one that keeps me on my toes, the one that comes bounding into the living room with a pair of socks in her mouth just as if she had found a pot of gold and she was so excited to share it with me. So many moments of laughter with this puppy dog.

Timba is on the other end of the spectrum, she is my soul dog.

Timba is the one that can read my energy.

She can feel my feels, 

she can feel my happiness,

she can feel my sadness,

she can feel my frustration,

she can feel my stress,

and can feel my love.

On Thanksgiving, Timba sensed my energy was off, perhaps tinged with a bit of sadness.

She followed me around, her big eyes and head tilt, always questioning, "Are you okay?"

Her presence was a comforting reminder of the bond we share.

You might wonder if this intuitive nature can be trained into a dog.

The truth is, your dog is already intuitive and perhaps even a bit goofy!

The key is to focus on the present moment, to be awake to the intuitive nudges, and to communicate at their energetic level.

The more you practice, the more these moments will occur, and you'll realize that your dog is indeed your angel.

If you'd like training on how to read these intuitive signals, let's chat.

If you believe your dog isn't intuitive, then we definitely need to talk. 😉

Your Intuitive Dog Coach
Timba & Shania, assistants

P.S. If you need help teaching your dog not to jump on Grandma before the next family holiday, reach out now! Time is short, and we have work to do!